TThe new bill S4090 (The dietary supplement listing bill which was introduced in the senat in april could have far ranging consequences for natural herbals including kratom

Dietary supplements are broadly usually supplements sold by sport shops, body and fit stores online and usually target people who do exercise (Multivitamins, minerals, pre workout shakes, whey proteine powders and so on and so on).

The way they word it is more important then the bill itself which is apparently targeted and dietary supplements but could (and probably will) very easily be expanded to include many other herbals, supplements etc targeting other areas.

While introducing the proposal on the Senate floor on Apr. 26, Durbin argued that FDA and consumers are “flying blind” and should have basic information about what products are on the market, what’s in them, where they’re manufactured, etc.
“Seventy percent of people in America take a dietary supplement including me,” Durbin said. “I also believe that Americans who take vitamins, minerals, and herbs for their health and well-being have a right to know what’s in those supplements. Many people assume that if a product is sold in the United States of America, somebody has inspected it and it must be safe. Unfortunately, that’s not always true.”

This in fact already says enough. Everything that is not deemed ok by FDA can be included in the new bill.