291 reviews
pesoonlijk niet mijn favoriete maar ik kan niet anders dan 5 sterren geven het is zeker wat het moet zijn en de effecten zijn behoorlijk sterk rukt intens en is fris groen van kleur top kwaliteit (het blijft een plant elke batch kan licht afwijken maar ik heb nooit inactieve kratom hier gehad)
Vacuum verpakte bestelling gekregen. Wel fijn maar ik verwachtte 2 zakken van 500gr zoals op de afbeelding om het beter te kunnen bewaren. Gelukkig heb ik zelf luchtdichte potten en vocht opnemend materiaal, anders zou dit erg irritant zijn geweest. Verder is het prima kwaliteit kratom.
Batch from 3 weeks ago was excellent, one of the best kratoms out here.
Very nice strain. Gives fokus, slightly energizing and euphoric, but still calming
I recommend you Stem&Vein if you want to reduce your tolerance or want to quit using kratom in a gentle way. Stem&Vein contains lower concentration of the main alkaloids, but on the other hand it contains some other alkaloids that can be used to potentiate the kratom experience if used alongside the regular kratom.
Wederom top! Als aanvulling of als je je tolerantie wat wilt laten zakken
Good quality and nice communication when asking about an order!
Zeer goede kratom welke ik al jaren gebruik. Een aanrader. En verzending is altijd op tijd!
I prefer Green strains over Reds. I use them for both energy and sleep. It mainly depends on your dosage what you get. Green Motan is my second favourite strain after Green Horn. Consistent high quality, pleasant effect, no eye wobbles, no jittery. Dekratomshop is a reliable source, I’ve been their customer for 5 years.
Kratom van hoge kwaliteit, werkt zoals beschreven. Ook een compliment aan de customer service!
Goede kwaliteit kratom, de effecten zijn erg lang werkend. Levering altijd netjes op tijd!
De white thai van de kratomshop is de meest potente. Ik heb overal gekocht maar neem nu al jaren deze witte.
Snel geleverd, goede kwaliteit witte kratomsoort. De effecten van deze witte kratom geeft je veel energie. Bedankt kratomshop.nl!
Top kwaliteit Kratom! Wordt ook geleverd in een fijne verpakking die makkelijk te hersluiten is.
Dit is een van mijn favoriete groene kratom soort, licht euphorisch en het werkt erg lang.
Green Thai is my second favourite strain after Green Horn. Consistent high quality, pleasant effect, no eye wobbles, no jittery.
Kratom die erg lijkt op de green malay, iets meer opliftend. De effecten houden ook lang aan. Bedankt voor de goede klanteservice!
I tried it twice now, and its really smooth, IT makes me happy and more outgoing. And is Also relaxing.
Quite a mellow strain, but it tastes like arse. Always good quality from this shop though.
Hele fijne kratom, deze. Ik gebruik deze bijvoorbeeld om mijn goede humeur een boost te geven
De white vein van de kratomshop is van hoge kwaliteit. De prijs is goed en de service nog beter!
Koop deze strain al jaren hier,en is de beste van allemaal en heb al vele geprobeerd.
Goede kratom voor werk , geeft een goede boost als de witte kratoms en tevens een kalmerende effect.
Mijn favoriete strain! Geeft heerlijke energie en motivatie zonder opgejaagd gevoel. Een aanrader!
Green thai een erg goede kratom voor zowel een euforisch en een kalmerende effect. Bedankt voor de goede kwaliteit kratom en service.
Works great! Energetic and talkative. Gets me through some tough afternoons.
High quality kratom, one of my staples. Always consistent quality, and the customer service of this shop is excellent.
Deze soort doet altijd wat het beloofd. Kwaliteit is consistent en werkt lang door, aanrader!
Een van de fijnste groene soorten vind ik persoonlijk, evenals de snelle kosteloze levering! Aanrader:)
Aanrader een goede kratom voor een snelle energieboost in de ochtend en of in de middag tijdens werk
One of my favorite strains, nice and relaxing, while you still get stuff done. Fast delivery.
So much better than the powder, cannot recommend a better Kratom experience.
This is my favorite strain. Strong, euforic and long lasting effects. Very good service.
Al jaren de beste kwaliteit kratom, en altijd netjes optijd en goed verpakt!
Absolutely love this shop. All products always comes fresh and strong. Fast delivery.
Honestly compared to other strains I found Red VB to be much less potent. Still works, but much less than others I’ve tried here.
quite relaxing , not that super potent tought. it is still nice , but you have to take larger amount than usual. the effects are very mind calming .
This strain is very strong. Take 8g+ and you’re good. I really don’t see how people can say it’s not strong , i’ve tried every red strain. 5 starts
This strain is very strong. Take 8g+ and you’re good. I really don’t see how people can say it’s not strong , i’ve tried every red strain. 5 starts
One of my favorites, long-lasting and beneficial. I am more than convinced of this shop. Thank you and keep it up
The best green variety I’ve ever had. My absolute favorite. Thanks for the good service. You are the best provider
Kratom nog niet zo lang geleden ontdekt. Begonnen met jetpack zilver en daarna de 50x. Vanmiddag test pakket binnen gekregen en 7 gram White vein genomen. Zo zeg, dat sloeg even in als een bom. Super lekker! Dit gevoel kreeg ik absoluut niet van jetpack of de 50x. Top kwaliteit!
this is my favourite strain, can only recommend ordering here, always fast and always good qualitiy and friendly contact!!!
good product, I took 3 gram and it hits well, I enjoyed it very much .
I really enjoyed it, strong green strain, more sedating than other green but nice mellow and good relaxation, long lasting too! great product!
I really enjoyed the Green malay, fresh and potent this strain is one of my favorite! great product! I ll order again
Strong, long lasting and smooth. My new favorite amongst the greens.
After ordering a 100gr bag two times I was pleased with the quality. Energetic and fresh. When soon after I ordered a 200gr bag however, it contained a different batch, much darker color, more like a red strain and is more like attic dust. Not pleasurable at all and a waste of money. Will not order again.
Lovely strain, really energising and pleasant! Will definitely buy again.
Good selection of strains to try out. SGB was a little weak but other 5 strains were excellent.
Tried this one and it is one of my fave Green Strains now i will Order it again
Super kwaliteit, tot nu toe de beste die ik heb kunnen vinden online. Snelle levering, goed verpakt.
Very fast shipping. Its my first Kratom and i think i get a good strong one. I write E-mails and get very fast all i want to know. I will buy again, very nice!
Great night time strain. Makes me feel really comfortable and is slightly sedating. Service as always fantastic!
Really good strain and fantastic service from dekratomshop. Fast delivery, generous weight, many thanks.
Sehr angenehmes und entspannendes Kratom. Am bestens für abends geeignet.
This Kratom is of very high quality and showed little to no side effects in my case. I used it for motivation, moodlift and energy in the morning and again in the afternoon. Very happy that i found this website and especially this strain. I did not need to use more after weeks and remained with my normal dose which is a big plus.
Sehr schönes, ruhiges Rot ohne Nebenwirkungen. Perfekt zum Entspannen.
Great preworkout strain. I prefer it over caffein, even! Recommended.
Decent selection of strains. It’s difficult to say which one was the best as I’m not a good judge of energising/sedating strains. To me they either work well or they don’t and I think these all did the job! I guess my go to strains are red vein borneo or bali and green malay.
Excellent burn, allows me to be more focused and stimulated if i have a long day ahead.
Great strain, nice balanced blend which gives energy boost and relaxing at the same time. I also highly reccomend the vendor !
One of my favorite strains. It’s perfect for the beginners, with good taste and effects. Enjoy!
Great strain with the benefit of enjoying even every boring little tasks with a mild comfort
Very good. Mentally uplifting and relaxing in the body at the same time:)
Very good strain, I like that feeling of mild euphoria and relaxation without the feeling of being on drugs. And also I get very sleepy but actually I cant sleep. Anyways, after effects have worn out, I get alert alert again and I have energy. The shop has very good service, arrived in week, can only recommend it
Easily one of the best strains around. Energetic without the ‘push’ of other strains like GVB, it is helpful in a number of roles that make it one of my firm favourites. Its superior strength, price and fantastic quality mark it out as a strain that everyone should try. Thank you! 🙂
One of my favourite red veins! Great moodlift and productivity booster
Its good, I like RVB better but this is great too for changing different strains on a daily basis
A very relaxing kratom strain for winding down at night. Gives pleasant euphoria in the first 2 hours and settles with relaxed limbs. I have also noticed some pain relieving properties. This is the first red strain I’ve tryed and wasn’t dissapointed. Tryed 2 grams on empty stomach.
Bestes Kratom zu unschlagbarem Preis. Ich bin immer wieder begeistert! Bitte macht weiter so!!!
I have been used to taking a white strain of kratom and I fancied a change. This is a really nice blend which I find both relaxing and slightly euphoric. As with white, I find I sleep much better as well afterwards. I highly recommend this website for buying kratom. It’s always excellent quality.
Hele fijne rode kratom. beste rode soort die ik tot nu toe heb gehad
I tried this white thai from my future wife and is was amazing. Very strong and uplifting.
Leuk om weer eens wat nieuws te kunnen proberen. Fijne kratom soort. Prima voor de workout!
I ordered couple of times at dekratomshop and I am really happy that i found that shop. Good Prices and constant good qualitiy. I prefer this big sample because of the standard Kratom sorts and the Gold Borneo. I tried many online Kraom Shops but I must say this one is the best. Greets Felix
Wunderbares Kratom. Meine Lieblingssorte mit unschlagbar günstigem Preis und guter Qualität. Macht weiter so!
Great strain, nice energy boost. Would definitely recommend!
A really relaxing and euphoric kratom strain. Quality is excellent! Can help with any pain or can be used for just relaxing and feeling good!
Love GVB, its perfect for work days when you need a little uplift but still feel calm and relaxed!
Very good strain, uplifting and stimulating, with a ”clear mind” sense very nice, ideal for study or work I would say. I tryed too mix with red vein borneo, and it’s a good combo. I reviewed dekratomshop and earned 50 grams extra with this review. Very good service and high quality! 🙂
Feels rather energetic and the taste is much more tolerable than strains I received from another site. I use it in the morning instead of coffee and it does get me started, and again in the afternoon when the effects from the first dose start to wear off. I prefer white vein to the red and will come back to this
White VB is a really good type of vein i think and real nice if you need some energy
Great strain, very stimulating and enjoyable. Would definitely recommend! Make sure to take on an empty stomach and have fun!
yellow borneo is my absolute favorite, it boosts with a great lust to work something, relieves pain and social phobia!
My favourite kratom strain! I make a tea with it and feel the effects 30 minutes after taking it. It gets rid of my headaches and back pain really quickly, and it has helped me completely stop taking opiates (codeine) which is amazing. The effects are very calming, but uplifting.
In my opinion the best white vain out here. Good drive for physical nad monoton work. Like Housework or sport. Veryactivating
I tried different strains and this green vein borneo its the best. Really recommendable!