I was not really happy with the layout and the look and feel of our webshop so i decided to make a whole new setup for dekratomshop. This resulted in a total color overhaul (i feel the new color scheme reflects the business and especially the organic feel and nature of kratom much better hopefully you our dear customers will agree).
Also a lot of work went into making the site better responsive for smaller viewports especially such as Ipads and smartphones but testing in small viewports is still ongoing. Also for bigger viewports (large screen monitors) a so called “media query” was made by me to make it look more natural on bigger screens.
Lots and lots of work went into it as you may imagine but i hope the result is satisfactory.
A last step that will be done is the product photo’s, we developed a new label (in the new color style) and we want to reflect this in the product pictures, they will be made soon and incorporated in the new webshop to make it even more reflecting of our brand and style.
New and improved functionalities
- We changed the shopping cart in the header with a dropdown showing the items you bought with total price, now you can use the header shopping cart functionality to check out or visit your shopping cart
- Search functionality in the navigation: clicking on the magnifying glass icon in the navigation will reveal a search box where you can quickly find the strain you need by typing in the strain name.
- home page: we reorganized our homepage, high up you find 4 blocks with the 4 main product categories/products. Hovering over one of the boxes will reveal the category and a button to visit that product or that category.
- Single product page. We reorganized the single product page and removed the clutter. The single product page now only focuses on the product itself.
- Checkout page, we reorganized the flow of the checkout page. most importantly is that the product details are now at the top (next to the checkout form) on bigger screens (on small screens the details are still at the bottom due to space issues.
- Blog page: The blog index page is now laid out in a grid pattern, so it is more easy to find the post you need
If you find some inconsistencies or (more importantly) some lacking functionality please let us know at:
info@webdesigndiensten.nl or through the contactform, we will reward you with some 100 grams kratom free of charge with your order.