Unsere Red vein Borneo wird in Kalimantan (Borneo) geerntet. Red vein Borneo ist ein Kratom, die viele Funktionen in sich vereinigt, und es ist wahrscheinlich eines der beliebtesten Kratom arten und wird bei viele farbe processe gebraucht.
maikel (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
tot nu toe elke keer goede kratom ruikt vers heb meerdere getest altijd 3-5 gram ik gebruik het voor axiety zelf heb meerdere medicijnen gehad maar kratom werkt net zo goed zonder de agressie die ik van de dokters hard drugs kreeg benzodiazapines of de torenhoge bloeddruk van ssri medicatie kreeg
deze shop is erg stabiel in levering van sterkte al blijf het een plant kleine verschillen zullen er zijn maar niet heeft geen of weinig werking
hopelijk mag deze shop nog jare open blijven
kevindavila777 (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
Most potent strain for my chronic pain since 2016. I love it so much, quite helpful too for withdrawal opiates symptoms. I think is the vein with the strongest analgesic effect, and the more calming and relaxed.
Anna (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
After 6 years still the most potent pain relief for my chronic pain. Whenever I notice building up a tolerance I am able to reset that by rotating strains and avoiding Red Borneo for a week or two and then go back to it.
Steven (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
Deze kratomsoort is een goede pijnstiller.
Fabian (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
Excellent for chronic pain and nicely euforic and calming for me
Ton (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
Een collega therapeut attendeerde mij op Kratom. Ik heb last van RLS Restless Legs waardoor slapen een probleem is en ook overdag er vaak veel onrust in de benen is. Kratom Red VB helpt hier fantastisch. Geeft me gevoel dat ik mijn leven weer terug heb.
Cindy (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
I tried it twice now, and its really smooth, IT makes me happy and more outgoing. And is Also relaxing.
kevindavila777 (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
Great quality!! This was my first kratom provider, since June 2016. I was purchasing him without problems and always solved the possible ”issues” with professionality. I was purchasing him for almost 2 years, but I stopped daily use to my chronic pain and opiate withdrawal due so much tolerance developed (I took it almost every single day per almost 2 years, after 4 years on a daily habit of morphine, massives doses of fentanyl, oxycodone, prescribed by doctors for my chonic pain, but arrived the moment of quit, if I wouldn´t do that, surely today I would not be alive, but this plant is a miracle godsend. Good analgesic effects, me with 2-4gr per dose to my chronic pain and a mellow effect is enough, but I weight 55kg and taking another meds like benzos and another shit. You can trust in him and in this company. The quality is far better than 5 years ago. Thanks for the extra friend, maybe you remember me from Canary Islands! 🙂
Cheers sir, so much love to you and your nearest on these times.
Siim – :
Honestly compared to other strains I found Red VB to be much less potent.
Still works, but much less than others I’ve tried here.
hans_murs (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
My recent batch gave me dizziness even in very small doses. No nice and typical red vein sedation present. Very unfortunate. Sometimes a batch is like that, but I didn’t expect this from this great vendor.
mickaeljeancosta – :
Very strong , be careful with dosage because it can easily cause an unpleasant drunkness sensation , if taken in big quantities. But overall , relaxation and sedation , good night strain.
jaillans (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
great product as it should be ,nice and fresh , potent, very uplifting and euphoric, on my top list,
super customers services will order again !
highly recommended
Pavlo (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
High quality product and very fast delivery as usual with Dekratomshop. Red Borneo is one of my favorite strains. 4-5 grams is enough for a strong analgesic effect, relaxation and suppression of anxiety. Thank you for the great service and quality product.
Phil (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
Maybe the best red vein strain i have ever tried; I was positively surprised by the quality and freshness of this red vein Kratom, for a really fair price!
nwy1981 (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
Allround strain, finely ground, super fresh taste, hyperfast delivery and exceptional customer service. Can’t recommend highly enough!
Anthony (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
4 tot 5 gram geeft een milde, rustige werking, wat ik erg fijn vind. Ik neem het eens in de week op een lege nuchtere maag in de ochtend en spoel het weg met lauw water. Na 45-60 min zijn de rustgevende effecten goed merkbaar. Hoger dan 5 gram ga ik niet, omdat ik dan bang bent dat er sedatieve effecten op gaan treden.
Michael (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
Package arrived to me in the south of France in just 3 days! I took this strain an hour ago(5grams) and it has really calmed my nerves, the euphoria is subtle to moderate not too overwhelming like prescription pain killers. I usually take very large doses of antidepressants and pain killers and occasionally binge drink but this kratom has completely taken away my cravings for them. Out of all the herbal supplements I have tried kratom seems to be the only one with profound effects. Thanks! you now have a life long customer. God bless
Mark-1995 (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
Deze kratom geeft goeie pijnstilling, rugpijn verdween zo g oed als helemaal na inname.
Heerlijk om lekker mee op de bank te zitten en te chillen.
Job – :
The owner is a great guy. Very helpful, fast shipping, and product quality is top notch. The freshest Kratom I have ever tried by far. Red veins are my favourite strains. I honestly can’t tell between red horn and red borneo. Both are very similar to me. Very good body high, very good painkilling propety and kill my anxiety. Make me very relaxed. I tried the white vein too but it makes me dizzy. Will stick to the reds and greens.
stephen.doyle10 (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
Someone on reddit told me about this website. I have been using it without complaint for 18 months now. I stick mostly to Red Thai an Red VB, I use them to treat chronic pain. They have been a lifesaver and have enabled me to return to work after three years off. Not only does the kratom help with the pain, but it also improves my mood. This website offers an amazing and helpful service, and a great product, I’m very glad I found it.
Ken (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
Voor mij persoonlijk, is dit de beste soort in het assortiment. Een sterke sedatieve werking voor een relatief eerlijke prijs. Over de bezorging valt verder ook niet te klagen. Uitstekend !
Christian (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
Really nice Quality & Service. Anxiety reduction, pain relief and mood enhancement have been recorded among those who have tried this mild red vein strain. Love it 🙂
Marcel – :
Really a good one the RVB
piotrktosss – :
Great night time strain. Makes me feel really comfortable and is slightly sedating.
Service as always fantastic!
Oliver (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
Really good strain and fantastic service from dekratomshop. Fast delivery, generous weight, many thanks.
Johannes (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
Red Borneo makes a warmer and happier feeling than Red Thai, I cycle these 2 strains mostly. In the evening. 3 days RB then 3 days RT. Works well for me! The new website is also very nice!
Johan – :
I have made several orders on DeKratomShop and the deliveries have been really fast and the quality has been excellent. Very good service!
Antonio Manuel (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
As it says, this particular strain “can be beneficial for pain relief”. It was tested and the positive effect is confirmed by my wife. I may gave her other red strains to test in the future, but just reordering the same for now. Fine service, too.
petr.lukes – :
Greate Kratom,very euphoric… thRed Vein Borneo kratom kratom is best known to prefer a minimum of stimulation and euphoria as much as possible, and that gives me the Red Vein Borneo kratom among the best and the best for me at all … kratom not prefer too much stimulation but I love “Opiate like effects” that this kratom gives the best of all kratom I’ve ever tried with kratom provide maximum euphoric
Edwin – :
Red vein borneo is de beste strain voor ultieme ontspanning, maar ook bij chronische pijnklachten of bij slierpijn na een flinke workout.
Overigens ook een tip voor de dagelijkse gebruiker, naar mijn ervaring blijft Kratom veel effectiever werken in combinatie met regelmatig sporten. Waarschijnlijk omdat je dan kunt afwisselen met een lichaamseigen energieboost.
backov.d (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
Very good strain, I like that feeling of mild euphoria and relaxation without the feeling of being on drugs. And also I get very sleepy but actually I cant sleep. Anyways, after effects have worn out, I get alert alert again and I have energy.
The shop has very good service, arrived in week, can only recommend it
Kaydee (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
One of my favourite red veins! Great moodlift and productivity booster
Niels (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
A very relaxing kratom strain for winding down at night. Gives pleasant euphoria in the first 2 hours and settles with relaxed limbs. I have also noticed some pain relieving properties. This is the first red strain I’ve tryed and wasn’t dissapointed. Tryed 2 grams on empty stomach.
Natika (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
Amazing. Best quality and best results! (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
Bestes Kratom zu unschlagbarem Preis. Ich bin immer wieder begeistert!
Bitte macht weiter so!!!
Karin (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
Das beste rote Kratom was ich je hatte. Gelenkschmerzen werden bei mir stark vermindert. Außerdem wirkt es beruhigend und entspannend ohne Energie zu rauben.
rparmar1660 (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
The *best* strain I’ve had from dekratomshop out of a selection.
A wonderful surprise. Uplifting, surprisingly energetic for a red strain and brilliant for pain relief.
Jevgenijs (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
Potent and uplifting. Will order again
Brendan – :
Excellent quality kratom. Calming, uplifting and potent. This vendor will be my new go to shop for kratom. Price cant be beaten… I highly recommend dekratomshop.
Arturs (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
Amazing quality and very decently priced. Enjoyed the produce very much, amazing for pain relief. Thank you very much, and hope to do business again! (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
Wunderbares Kratom. Meine Lieblingssorte mit unschlagbar günstigem Preis und guter Qualität. Macht weiter so!
andreaseleftheriou7 (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
A really relaxing and euphoric kratom strain. Quality is excellent! Can help with any pain or can be used for just relaxing and feeling good!
Raine (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
My favourite kratom strain! I make a tea with it and feel the effects 30 minutes after taking it. It gets rid of my headaches and back pain really quickly, and it has helped me completely stop taking opiates (codeine) which is amazing. The effects are very calming, but uplifting.
Marcel (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
Ich finde die roten Kratoms immer am intensivsten von der Wirkung. Stark sedierend und wunderbar angenehm. Ich liebe es!
kevindavila777 (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
Variedad muy relajante y sedante, y útil para el tratamiento del dolor. También creo que puede ser una variedad especialmente útil para una desintoxicación de opiáceos.
maria del pinar (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
es muy bueno para el dolor,también es relajante
Patrick Dara – :
Best kratom shop online rvb is excellent quality and customer service is fantastic .