Red Malay Kratom kommt von der Insel Borneo, nahe der Grenze zwischen Sarawak und Kalimantan auf der Sarawak- (malaysischen) Seite. Unser Red Malay kommt vom gleichen Lieferanten wie unser Green Malay.
Das Red Malay ist ein bisschen zu vergleichen mit Green Malay.
FREIE VERSAND bei Aufträge über 125 euro.
jobgraumans (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
First kratom I tried and still one of my favourites. Very relaxing, helpes in stressfull moments and makes you sleep very good. When it comes to relaxing and chilling I recommend this one!
Dennis (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
This strain is really mellow, good for relaxing and sleep. If you like a more energizing effect I would recommend green or white strains
Dieter (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
Ik ben een grote fan van Red Borneo. M’n chronische pijn blijft onder controle, ik slaap er rustiger door. En z’n Borneo’s lijken altijd vers en potent. Snelle levertijd, kortom echte fan. Aanrader!
amy (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
Definitely the best string to take when you need to unwind after a busy day. It also helps me sleep through the night and it calms me down when I get stressed out. I like that it’s not as heavy as the red Thai. This one works for me.
Daniel (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
I’ve been buying from DeKratomShop for about 2 years now and the shipping and delivery are fast and reliable. Some kratoms work better for me than others, but Red Malay is a go-to for relaxing at the end of the day.
mickaeljeancosta – :
quite relaxing , not that super potent tought.
it is still nice , but you have to take larger amount than usual. the effects are very mind calming .
Marc (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
Not a fan of this strain. To me it feels Underwhelming, not that potent and it is quite bitter compared to other strains i have tried. That beeing said, thumbs up for a good service…
dmdnik (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
Great service, top quality products, the best prices around
jaillans – :
thanks to the team for the free sample of red Malay.
this is the first time that I’ve tried it .
nice and fresh good taste ,not as bitter, good relaxing and nice sleep .
I recommend it
Anthony (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
3 gram in de ochtend op een lege maag geeft mij een hele goede focus en euforische beleving. Ik vind alles leuker, mooier en muziek klinkt 100x lekkerder. AANRADER!
Robert (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
I would just like to thank you for your outstanding service. Top quality products, fast shipping and delivery and all the strains I had tried so far from the website were very effective, without no doubt fresh and with great pharmacologic profile. Plus better prices than anywhere else. Shout-out for the dekratomshop team. Thanks!
3ellea1 (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
I did have an accident two day a go in the gym,and I was in extrem pain. I’d a very bad neck pain and my jaw was sor, but but wiht this strain of Kratom ( but I think I could had use any of them) the pain vanished. I felt really relax. the best and the most managable pain killer I’d ever tried HIGHLY RACCOMANDED TO EVREYONE IN PHYSICAL PAIN. thank you guy of the web site for purchese a good quallity maedicin
Kevin (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
This is my favorite from all of the red strains I’ve tried so far.
Relaxes & makes me happy during the day….
& helps me sleep at night.
Love the new website
& awesome service and products that kratomshop keeps offering.
Thanks for the efforts, kratomshop.
rparmar1660 (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
Second the smoothness of this strain!
It is a surprisingly energetic strain, especially when combined with the Green Malay. Long lasting and relaxing.
Jonathan (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
Smoothest i´ve tried. This is definately an evening strain, different to the green malay. Very calming for the mind + good for body aches. RVB is more potent tho.
Oskar (Verifizierter Besitzer) – :
Good strain this one, def. in my 10 strains !