ashwagandha in capsules

Ashwagandha 480mg

ab €125,-

480mg per caps.

HPMC / size: 00

Pure root powder

Product description

1) We sell pure Ashwagandha root powder in HPMC veggie capsules
2) Each capsule contains 480mg pure Ashwagandha root
3) Available for ordering in packages of 120 or 240 capsules

Ashwaghandha also known as Indian Ginseng is a herb that comes from mainly India and Africa. more info below


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A shwaghandha also known as Indian Ginseng is a herb that comes from mainly India and Africa.

Aswaganda is a nice whitegrey powder which can be used as colorpigmentation for a whole host of applications. The pigmentpowder can also be used in combination with other powders to generate own color schemes.

Ashwagandha 480mg

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